Friday, May 21, 2004

It's a bit moist out there

Not exactly a great day to be working with electronics. I don't know how many lightning strikes I saw this morning on the drive in to work, but the last one that I saw looked to be pretty close to my building, which was a bit worrisome. So far all the servers and gear are chugging along as usual, hopefully it stays that way. A server cluster of ours can be a bit...tempermental...and I'd hate to have to down it and try to get it to come back up and play nice again.

This could make tomorrow's disc golf tournament pretty interesting. I'm sensing a whole lot of gratuitous Caddy Shack quotes. "I'd keep playing. I don't think the heavy stuff will come down for a while yet."

Just got news that Seth and Sharon's family will be growing by one! Congrats Seth! It looks like he got your face! 8-)


Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

In the battle of technology vs. Heather on a Friday morning...who will win? lol

And yes, yes it is. 8-)

10:52 AM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Pre-coffee? I never thought that many people braved commenting on websites with out being caffineated (and spelling the correct way..hehe).

7:38 AM  

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