Monday, May 24, 2004

blah monday...

It's officially fracking early on Monday morning. The weekend was pretty decent. I was at Heistand park from 9-7 on Saturday playing disc golf. I didn't advance to Sunday's round, but I did get rained on. Oh, well. It was still a fun time anyway, and for the first tournament of the year, I can't complain much. It was a better start than last year's first, so now that I've got the rust off the game, we'll see how it goes.

Ten of us went to see Shrek 2 over the weekend. Very funny movie, I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.

Monday night is no limit hold 'em at Babe's. $25 buy in, top 6 places pay out, and they also get into an invite only tournament of 24 for a free trip to Las Vegas. I've played a few nights there, it's generally a pretty fun time, and yes, I'm in the next trip tourney. 8-)

And now for random stupidity.

Congress is trying to pull a fast one. Someone tell me they remember the checks and balances stuff from high school. Obviously Congress doesn't.

I've had a lot of questions about questionable email lately, so I had to look up the Gullibility Virus again.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Have not seen Shrek yet but it is on the to do list once I am dating again.
I did see Troy though. Holy ripped Brad! Damn.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

I'm kinda interested in seeing Troy, haven't fully decided yet. But I'd go see Shrek 2 another time or two. I haven't laughed that hard at a movie in a long time.

7:41 AM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

I hope to see Shrek pretty soon!

12:13 PM  

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