Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Well, with any luck, today will be less crazy than yesterday. So far it's been calm, but that doesn't really mean a thing for the rest of the day. Tonight should be fun. I'm in an invitational poker tournament at Babe's. You qualify by finishing in the top 6 at a weekly tournament, and at the end of a months time they have them all back for another one. No entry fee, but the top finisher gets a free trip for two to Vegas! So in random odds at worst I have a 1 in 24 chance. Possibly better odds if someone finished in the top 6 multiple times. It should be a lot of fun!

The packers have finally signed Tim Couch. No big surprise, but it feels nice to have a more proven backup on the team.

While the Miller/Bud advertisements lately have been rather amusing in their continual ripping on each other, I didn't figure on it to end up in court.

It's just disturbing that Virginia has to advertise to tell people not to have sex with minors.

Even more disturbing. Want to go see Rasputin's penis? It's in a jar in a Russian museum!?!

Wow, let's keep going with the weird. I always thought a lot of Nickelback songs sounded the same. I guess someone else did too, and their proof is funny. Requires sound.


Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

Fine, more proven than Pederson, who has shown in Cleveland and Philly that he can't start, and his only real talent is holding for kicks and talking to Favre.

Today, I was a bit lazy and got most of my material from www.fark.com. Mostly safe for work 8-)

10:50 AM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

I'm happy that we signed Couch but I wish we could have got him for a 2 or 3 year contract. If we do have to rely on him, he IS better than the current back up but because he is only on a 1 year contract, he can shop around if he does well or demand more $$ later.
He is a good QB and I'm at least glad we have him on the team!

7:44 AM  

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