Thursday, May 27, 2004

So here's a funny story from last night. We were having a cookout and poker night at Josh and Andrea's house. We're sitting out back, waiting for people to show up and just being social, when we see a truck pull up in the front. We didn't immediately recognize it, and were wondering whose it was when we saw a cop walk up behind it. Josh walked out to see who it was and what was going on. Turns out it was Jason Case, and while he was looking for the address of the house, he didn't see a stop sign and breezed right through it. With a cop directly behind him. Since Josh and Andrea live two houses away from that stop sign, he was in the driveway and parked before he could notice the cop, and so we had our first entertainment of the night. We were going to take a picture, but the memory card on their camera was full. Oh, well. I'm sure Case didn't want proof of that anyway. I still wonder what the cop would have done if I walked up and handed Case a beer while all this was happening... 8-)

Just over a week until Summer Snowfest skiing at Tyrol Basin!


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Everyone one has a price. A case of beer is a great start too!

7:12 AM  

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