Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Poker was pretty fun last night. I ended up exiting about in the middle when my top two pair lost to a full house. I thought for sure the guy was playing on tilt, since I had just taken $1500 from him the last hand, and he was playing this one angry. Well, turns out he was still mad about losing that hand, but this time he had the cards to back it up. Oops. 8-) Played out some really great hands before the end, so it was a fun evening anyways. Oh, well, that's why we play the game.

So I got one my least favorite emails at work this morning. In a paraphrase "We've decided to change a bunch of stuff, and have published items that are being given out that refer to renamed email addresses and web pages. So, could you rename them quick for us before people try to use them? Oh, but we don't know if everyone knows, so keep the old ones too." Insert shaking head here.

What a shame, Clarett can't play in the NFL. Poor baby.

When trying to keep elk out of a garden, I don't think this is the most effective tactic to use


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

I can feel your pain about the email that you got. Just shake the head and stop the little man from pounding.

For poker... someone just has to lose. The others are winners!

1:39 PM  
Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

(insert sarcasm here) Because all we do is drink coffee and sit around watching the servers. IT will get everything you need done instantly, we need no warning at all! 8-)

And you're close on poker. There's only one winner, and the rest were just that one hand away from being in that person's spot. But it's such a fun game anyways...

1:51 PM  

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