Monday, June 21, 2004

Saturday morning I went golfing. No, not disc golf as per my usual, but ball golf. Shocking I know. Kevin wanted to go for his birthday, so I figured why not? We had a foursome playing nine holes at Coachman's. I spent the whole way telling everyone how little I played (I can count the number of times in the last ten years on a hand or two), and how bad I was going to suck. Well, on a few shots at least, something clicked and I actually got some good shots off!?! The first was the best, it was on the fourth hole I think, a 300 yard straight hole, and after I whacked the ball, everyone turned and yelled "holy shit!" because you could hear that it was a solid hit. 270 yards, almost perfectly straight. WOOHOO! I had two other really good drives, a few good up shots, and a decent putt or two. Now if I could only have put it all together on a couple of Oh, well. At least the golf carts were a lot of fun. We only did one or two polo style shots from them. 8-)

Tonight we're going out for further birthday celebrations for Kevin, this time to Fitch's Chophouse & Spirits. I haven't been there before, but I've heard it's quite good, and it's right up the street from us, which is a nice bonus.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

That sounds like a pretty kick ass birthday!
I went out Golfing on Sunday before heading down to Chicago to see the family. I need a lot more practice to fix my slice. When I try to play my slice, the ball goes straight. Weird!

12:43 PM  
Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

I was just happy with getting it up in the air. Had some nasty slicing shots, but most were close to straightish. 8-)

12:48 PM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

I hope to hit the driving range a few times this week so I can get a bit better at that.
Plus the walking 2 or 3 miles for 9 holes is pretty good excersize too.

10:53 AM  

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