Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Another fun poker weekend. On Saturday six of us decided to play a game for fun, and late in the game, when I already had 2/3 of the chips in play...I runner runner my first straight flush. Too bad the game was only for fun... 8-)

And then last night Julie and I went to play at Badger Poker as usual. She's starting to get friends there, and we have several friends that we get to come on a regular basis, so that's pretty much our Monday night thing now. Anyways, whenever we play there, I always sit at a different table from Julie. I just think it's counterproductive for us to be playing against each other. And when the average field is 120+, that's not hard, and last nights 124 was no exception. Well...it was right up to the point where we were forced to the same table...because we both made the final table. I could probably ramble on about that table for a while, but the short version is my cards got cold and I went out in 5th, and Julie hung around for a little while longer and took 3rd. A very good night for us both.

And now back to my regularly scheduled digital janitor work...


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Nice about the cards!
I really have to get someone to show me that game.

I like the comment about the digital janitor. It puts things in to perspective..heh

4:11 PM  
Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

I'm sure Waikan could teach you...for a small fee. 8-) If you're around Madison when we run a home game you're welcome to join us. Not very competitive usually. Until recently some of the girls were using cheat sheets to remember what hand beat what...lol

And the digital janitor is disturbing but true. I'm real close to googling the Bastard Operator From Hell for some guilty pleasure time...

4:45 PM  

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