Friday, February 03, 2006

Renee is growing like a weed. At her 2 week checkup last week she weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz and 20.5 inches. Considering they expect a baby to be back to birth weight or a little bit more at 2 weeks (they lose weight initially usually), I was absolutely shocked to hear how much she had grown. It was a bit better to hear the doc say that she was at the 72nd percentile for height and 33rd for weight. Looks like she's taking after her mom like that, long and skinny.

Pretty quiet week other than that. Work is busy. Big surprise there. Skiing is ok, the weather sucks, but the snow has been way better than I ever expected it to be. So, for those of you *cough* John and Lisa *cough* Chris and Jen *cough* Seth and Sharon *cough**cough* who promised to come out to Tyrol Basin: the snow has been good, and all runs are open, so get your butts out there! :D

And for the humor of the week: I am a Japanese schoolteacher. No, not me myself, that's the guy's site. A LOT of content in there, and well worth the hours that it will take you to read it all. Absolutely hilarious stuff. Best of all, he's still out there, and you get new stuff to read every couple of days.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

I know i know iknow...hehe
This weekend superbowl, next weekend, housewarming, birthday party for Abby (1 yr old!) following weekend might work (might have guests from GB though). who knows... we are due for a visit!

12:55 PM  

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