As of this morning, my office computer is now connected at 1 Gbps! I am officially blazing! I love my office setup. It gives me a little geek-out moment every time I walk in. The computer needs a bit of upgrading (only a 3.8Ghz P4 with HT), but the dual 19" LCDs for my PC sitting next to my 20" iMac makes for a Wall Of Data. Fiber link to the switch next to me gives me 100 Mbps to all of the workstations around me, but I get the one gig link on it for myself!
The sad thing is realizing one of the most basic rules of computing though: all computers wait at the same speed.
Screw it. Mine waits faster. 8-)
Nice on the Gig! Schweeet! I pimped out our build area with 2, 16 port gig switches. Ghosting over gig saves TONS of time. Now if we can only get that going on the production floor.
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