Thursday, June 24, 2004

Well, last night was interesting. A tornado touched down about 1-2 miles from our house. Luckily, it didn't do anything to us, but some places not that far from us weren't as lucky. That's the closest that I've ever been to a forming funnel cloud. We saw the clouds starting to circle and thumbs coming down off them towards the ground. I kind of wanted to sit and watch it for a while, but Julie didn't seem to think that was a good idea. 8-)

Spammers and an AOL employee getting busted.

Here's a good reason not to get creative when trying to kill a spider.

This one reminds me of Weird Al's vision of Ghandi II.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

There was some crazy weather all over the state.
Kinda weird being that close to a torndao.
I think that you should have stayed up with a video camera so you could send that in to a show!
At least AOL is getting some bad publicitly. It will probably be a hike though for their subscribers though... Too bad they still own TimeWarner. I love road runner but I just hate that my cash still goes to AOL.

12:16 PM  

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