Tuesday, July 06, 2004

It's another pseudo-monday, and life at work is about the same as usual. Two broken computers and continuing work on a not fully functional printer to start the day.

We've started sanding down our deck to prep it for restaining. It was painted before, and really peeling a lot. We found some awesome stain to use, Rymar. It's about $50 a gallon, and by all reports is well worth it. It even has citronella in it to make your deck area naturally bug resistant. Now all we have to do is finish sanding. Ugh. We spent about three hours working on it on Monday, and maybe got 1/4 to 1/3 of it done. We rented sanders from Home Depot, and while they worked ok, I think I'll be buying some to finish the job with. They were the cheapest rentals in town, and it still was $50 for four hours. What a shame, we'll have to buy more power tools... 8-)

The New York Post hasn't been doing well in it's news flashes. First it had the Yankees losing a playoff game last year that they won, and now this. Although they have now fixed it on their website.

I've always said reality TV is trying too hard, and I think this is the final proof.


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