Thursday, December 23, 2004

Yet again I'm amazed at how much time has passed since I've put something on here. I've really got to try to update this more often. Maybe that can be a New Year's resolution kind of thing. Although I'm not complaining that all my time is getting filled up with patrolling and poker, I should try to keep up with other things as well.

Happy holidays to everyone, I hope everybody has a nice white Christmas and a great new year!

Friday, December 03, 2004

With a few exceptions, life has been pretty quiet lately. The biggest exception happened Tuesday night. I had to patrol, so I went straight from work to Tyrol. When I got home, I found out that during the day someone had knocked our mailbox over. Considering it was trash day, you can guess who we thought did it, but there was no note and no proof of anything, so all we could do was fork over the cash to replace it. So the next day Julie only had to work in the morning, so I took the afternoon off and we went to get a new post and box. We started at Home Depot, and found some stuff that we liked, but decided to hit Menard's to check for other options. We decided we liked a box at Menard's and a post at the Depot, so we bought part there and then went back to the Depot to get the post, and then spent a while checking different types of concrete/quickcrete stuff to use to secure it...blah blah blah...all told we spent 2-3 hours and around $75.00. So we're loaded up and heading home, and as we get close to our house what do we see but a new post and mailbox installed already. I'm glad the road was pretty empty because I was laughing so hard that I probably wasn't a very safe driver for a few seconds there 8-). Again, no note, just the new post and box, so still no clue who did it. But they picked the box that we had bought and one of the two posts that we had been debating between. We had picked the other one, but still, I was quite happy. I guess there still are a few decent random strangers out there.

Shocking shocking...I'll be skiing tonight. The snow has been great even if it is only on two runs...c'mon out!