This time I've been deliberately ignoring the blog and not posting to it for a while. I've heard from people that you're not supposed to make general announcements about pregnancies until after the 3 month mark has been hit, and so with Julie being pregnant, I didn't want to post anything, since that's most what's going on with us right now. However, last Friday was the 3 month mark, so now we are officially safe to talk about it.
We're going in for her second doctor appointment on Thursday, and this one will have the first ultrasound. It'll be interesting to see what it looks like right now. We have some idea, from a website that Julie goes to how big and developed everything is. Which currently is on average 2 inches long, or about the size of a lime. The more interesting thing will be to see how many we have. Twins run every generation on her father's side of the family, so there is a possiblity for more than one. We'll see.
In other news, my mom has been diagnosed with cancer. Several tests so far have been inconclusive to tell if it's B-type (easily treatable) or T-type (requires chemotherapy). She's been in Froedert hospital for the last 3 weeks or so. This is also another reason that I haven't posted much lately. She's been real up and down. She's going in for a thrid biopsy on Wednesday, because the first TWO didn't get enough cells to be conclusive. This time they're doing it surgically instead of a needle biopsy, so they should hopefully get enough to find out what treatment is needed. She's trying to tough it out, but she's having a hard time keeping the spirits up sometimes. So I've been holding the baby over her head and reminding her that she's got a grandchild coming that she'll have to help with, so she's going to have to keep going and fighting this so that she can make sure I don't screw up. 8-)
So to make sure that I have absolutely no free time whatsoever, my class has started up again for Ski Patrol and I am also in training to become and Instructor Trainer. Luckily the IT training is only going to take up 3-4 more days this year, but they will be full Saturdays, with one of them being at Alpine Valley, so I'll have to drive a bit too.
We've been trying to keep at least a little socialness going, so we're still playing a bit of poker. Julie had her second best finish ever in Badger Poker last night as she took 4th place. I, on the other hand, have had such a cold run of cards that I need to put on a jacket when I play. You just can't even bluff at the pots when you consistantly get 53 offsuit...
Anyways, I can't be quiet at work either. I'm still deep in our migration from Netware servers to Windows servers. So back to the grind I go. Got two departments to move today.