Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sleep, what's that? It's kind of a fuzzy memory right now. Renee is now a month old, and she has her first cold. To make life more fun, of course Julie has it too. I've somehow dodged it, which is lucky considering how busy we are at work and ski patrol right now. Work is crazy with finishing up the data migration from Novell to Windows, plus our annual capex ordering (lots of computers and printers all at once). For patrol last weekend marked the start of three consecutive weekends of various tests that I have to help with. So last weekend I was out there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, this weekend will be the same, and next weekend as well, except Saturday will be at Cascade. In my spare time I change diapers and try to comfort a baby that has no idea what's going on. I can't wait until I get to take paternity leave. Patrol will be just about done, work will be calmer and I won't have to worry about things that I'm missing there, and I might even get to catch up on sleep! Woohoo!

Even though that looks like a lot of griping...it's still kinda good. No matter how bad your day has been, or how busy you are, when you get to see a little smile on your baby's face, you really forget about the rest of that as you find yourself making a stupid smiley face back...


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