I feel like ranting
So I'm walking back to work from lunch today, and I see a series of signs at the bottom of Bascom Hill. One says something like "Each flag behind me represents how many children die each day from hunger." The next says "Come to our meeting to learn all about it." And of course, the last one says "We'll be serving free pizza." What. The. Fuck. Can you define ironic for me? People are starving! I'll give you free pizza to sit around and listen to me talk about it! How about you take that free pizza, and give it to the starving kids you idiots? Of course, that would mean actually doing something instead of sitting around on your lazy asses just talking about how you could do something. But that's ok. I'm sure you'll walk in a parade to save the whales, stop the war, free Nelson Mandela, or something like that, so you can feel like you are making a difference you pathetic little bastards. Make sure to chalk up every square inch of sidewalk that you can cover to tell me all about it though! I love walking past your kindergarten style scribblings about "Come to this important meeting tomorrow!" for a few weeks until the rain saves me from your stupidity. Can't your three active brain cells figure out that a) whatever issue you're so worked up about likely isn't that important, or if it is, all five of you who meet aren't going to make the slightest difference, and b) even if I wanted to attend your stupid meeting, I'd have no idea when, because you wrote it two weeks ago and it says that the meeting is tomorrow! Whoa...rant branch...shit, I hate it when that happens.
*deep breath in....* *big sigh out...* Ah, I feel much better now. Thank goodness for the therapeutic value of teh interwebs.
Random amusement for the day: random guy's Tshirt that has a picture of a stick figure in a recliner with the caption "Procrastinators meeting: tomorrow" Gives me a bit of a grin, and may explain some of the rant branch above.