Friday, July 27, 2007

Where's my cake?

Happy SysAdmin Day! If you can read this, thank your sysadmin!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Serious geek out moment for me. In looking up the Eurotrip link in my last post, I started clicking around through the various actor's links and info and found this: Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight! They're making a movie from one of my all time favorite books as a kid! It sounds like it's going to be animated since they are referencing all of the actors as voices, but they have some big names in it: Kiefer Sutherland, Lucy Lawless, Michelle Trachtenberg to name the biggest.

Now, just please please please work out more like Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia, and not be the next Dungeons and Dragons flop.

Monday just started to look a whole lot better. 8-)

Julie and Renee are visiting her parents for a few days. Given a sudden freedom to be able to go out and not have to be a responsible parent, I of course hit the bars with Zach.

To quote Eurotrip... "I'm never drinking again"

8-) ok, maybe not that bad, but just to be on the safe side, I think I'll stick to soda* at poker tonight...

*-May not necessarily be 100% soda at all times. But will at least start that way.**

**-at least, that's the plan right now, plan subject to change upon placing my order with Frank***

***-besides being a great bartender, Frank is also the lead singer of The Mighty Short Bus, who besides being a great local band, also gives me an excuse to use more *'s which for some reason is amusing me this morning.

Monday, June 18, 2007

What a whimp! I've been hit there and got up to play several more games. Nothing like a millionaire crybaby lol....

Thursday, June 14, 2007 is the first completely pain free day that I've had since Saturday morning. I do this to myself a couple of times each year, but somehow I always forget about this part. Saturday was the big paintball outing, and wow was that fun. The weather was perfect, we had a great group of 18 people playing, and a ton of fun was had by all. Until later in the day when the adrenaline wore off at least. Then going down stairs really hurt for the next few days. It's funny, you talk about paintball with people, and they all worry about how much it hurts to get hit. Yeah, that stings a bit sometimes, but it's forgotten about in a minute or two. The strained muscles is the bigger problem, and that lasts for days! Guess it's time to ge the bike out and work the legs out more. 'Cause I've heard some of the guys talking about getting a monthly game going. That would be awesome to get out and play that much, but I definitely need to get my legs into better shape for it. On the plus side, if we play a lot of paintball this summer and I do some working out so that it doesn't hurt for the next week after, then the upcoming ski season should be that much more awesome as I come in in better shape!

Yes I'm thinking about skiing already. I know it's June, but my Outdoor Emergency Care class has started up again, and we usually end up skiing at least once by the time the class ends. So even though that's 4.5 months away, it still makes November feel pretty close! Yeah, I'm a ski junkie, what do you want? 8-)

Anyways, back on subject, thanks to all the guys and girls (yes, that was girls plural! all two of them!) for the awesome game last weekend. I had a great time and can't wait to get out again!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I feel like ranting

So I'm walking back to work from lunch today, and I see a series of signs at the bottom of Bascom Hill. One says something like "Each flag behind me represents how many children die each day from hunger." The next says "Come to our meeting to learn all about it." And of course, the last one says "We'll be serving free pizza." What. The. Fuck. Can you define ironic for me? People are starving! I'll give you free pizza to sit around and listen to me talk about it! How about you take that free pizza, and give it to the starving kids you idiots? Of course, that would mean actually doing something instead of sitting around on your lazy asses just talking about how you could do something. But that's ok. I'm sure you'll walk in a parade to save the whales, stop the war, free Nelson Mandela, or something like that, so you can feel like you are making a difference you pathetic little bastards. Make sure to chalk up every square inch of sidewalk that you can cover to tell me all about it though! I love walking past your kindergarten style scribblings about "Come to this important meeting tomorrow!" for a few weeks until the rain saves me from your stupidity. Can't your three active brain cells figure out that a) whatever issue you're so worked up about likely isn't that important, or if it is, all five of you who meet aren't going to make the slightest difference, and b) even if I wanted to attend your stupid meeting, I'd have no idea when, because you wrote it two weeks ago and it says that the meeting is tomorrow! Whoa...rant branch...shit, I hate it when that happens.

*deep breath in....* *big sigh out...* Ah, I feel much better now. Thank goodness for the therapeutic value of teh interwebs.

Random amusement for the day: random guy's Tshirt that has a picture of a stick figure in a recliner with the caption "Procrastinators meeting: tomorrow" Gives me a bit of a grin, and may explain some of the rant branch above.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


As of this morning, my office computer is now connected at 1 Gbps! I am officially blazing! I love my office setup. It gives me a little geek-out moment every time I walk in. The computer needs a bit of upgrading (only a 3.8Ghz P4 with HT), but the dual 19" LCDs for my PC sitting next to my 20" iMac makes for a Wall Of Data. Fiber link to the switch next to me gives me 100 Mbps to all of the workstations around me, but I get the one gig link on it for myself!

The sad thing is realizing one of the most basic rules of computing though: all computers wait at the same speed.

Screw it. Mine waits faster. 8-)

Friday, April 13, 2007

It's 12:05am...

...and I'm mostly asleep. But I get woken up by a particularly nasty sound coming from the baby's room. Yup, that's right. The girl that in the last month has had multiple double ear infections, pink eye, and some kind of viral thing in her lungs, now ALSO has the stomach flu. And is puking. All over my wife. And herself. And the floor. This isn't the same as the spitup that you get from baby's after a feeding. This is the "I can identify what that is, and what meal it came from" half digested, stinking to high heaven, vomit. Renee has never done anything like this before, so she's completely freaking out and has no idea what's going on. We're trying to comfort her, but it's hard, because her breath stinks like you wouldn't believe, but she's obviously feeling...delicate...and confused, and so she refuses to drink any water or anything to wash her mouth out with. I think that's enough details to give you an idea of what the next two hours were like. This has resulted in two things.

One, I only got maybe three hours of sleep, so I'm completely loopy tired wired on caffeine at work right now.

And two, despite the fact that my daughter was born on one, and I have been trying to look at them in a more amused light because of it, I'm back to being a bit wary of Friday the 13th...