Monday, August 16, 2004

I had a pretty decent weekend. Friday night was a free roll poker tournament at the Colliseum bar. I made a very good showing, but finished a bit out of the top five, so no free prizes. Still had a very good time, and for free the price is right!

On Saturday Josh's parents were in town, and they had me over for dinner. Josh always raved about his mother's home made spaghetti sauce, and he wasn't lying, it was pretty darn good. So after that, I had to come up with some entertainment for myself, since Julie was teaching an overnight program at the zoo. I sat back and said to myself "It's Saturday night, the wife is gone for the night. You've got to go out and do what any red blooded American male would do when the wife is gone and you're feeling the need for entertainment." So I went home and played Diablo II all night. Not a bad way to pass an evening 8-)

Sunday was a cookout at Josh and Andrea's. I guess they were designated host for the weekend. lol. It was a pretty fun time. Lotsa muchies. I brought out some salsa that I made from some peppers that I grew and that was pretty much a hit. The next version will be made with habaneros, so it should be interesting to see how many people still like it after that!


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