Monday, August 02, 2004

This weekend was pretty fun. Got some work done on the deck on Saturday (thanks for the help Kevin!). Then it was off for a night at Maduro's, which was very nice. Excellent scotch selection! We wrapped the night up at the Great Dane for some munchies. We sat in the outdoor beer garden, which I didn't know they had. I still despise the West side location of the Dane, but the downtown one is ok. Great munchies at least.

On Sunday several of us hit the Milwaukee Zoo, and then we went to the Potawatomi Casino for a buffet and a little distraction. I had heard a lot of good things about their poker room, so I entertained myself in there for a bit. Made a whole whopping $10 at it. I should have made more, but the guy to my right stayed in on hands that he had no business playing and got the miracle river on me twice. That cost me a bit, but at least I left up. The amusing thing is that I was playing kinda distracted, because I may have had a friend of a friend at the table, and spent a good chunk of the time trying to decide if he was or not. I didn't want to disrupt the whole table by saying to the guy at the other end of the table "Hey, are you Waikan? You look like a guy I saw on John McCarville's website." It's always hard to tell when you're going off a memory of a picture of someone you haven't directly met. So John, If Waikan was playing 2/4 hold 'em on table 7 on Sunday night, tell him the guy that was shuffling the red chips the whole time he was there (about an hour) says sorry I took some pots from you! 8-)

And now, back to the weekly grind...


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