Thursday, August 19, 2004

OK, so this blogger can be a bit frustrating at times. It doesn't do updates sometimes, and now one gets put in twice. Oh, well. For free I can't complain much.

Today is definitely a tired day. Still no vending machines at work. They're switching suppliers, and while the old one has removed their stuff, the new one still hasn't shown up yet. Definitely feeling a caffeine deficiency. And having OEC class last night right after work isn't helping much either. But class is going well, so that's a very positive thing, even if it doesn't get me much sleep. 8-)

And now for some random amusement:

Hummer vs. stump. Hummer loses, but a Jeep to the rescue!

Even bears know enough not to drink Busch.

WTF? Judge says I know you're guilty, but you're a football player, so the verdict is not guilty?!?

It's been a few weeks, so of course, it's time for another Paris Hilton naked story.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

That is crazy but expected with pro athletes.
At least we can get some humility with the Olympic men's basket ball team... if I could call them a team. Just a group of individuals playing the same game. Oh well...

Good luck with the caffeine. I've cut back to a soda a week or so. Lots of water. Sometimes a tea in the AM. I cant stand coffee.

Ahh.. Paris. Somethings will never change.

2:52 PM  
Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

Insert Halleleujah chorus here. Caffeine is back again! I just can't function well on those 7am work days without at least one diet pepsi to get me through the morning... 8-)

3:07 PM  

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