Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Holy cow can life get busy. The start of a new school year has been keeping me jumping at work. Every new professor or staff member needs everything set just so, and it seems like everytime you get one request done, three more have shown up. We should start slowing down in a week or two, and then hopefully life will go back to normal. One good bit of news is that Julie's friend Amy is getting married this weekend, so what a shame, I'll only be at work for three days this week, and then it's another three day weekend!

We've hit the halfway point for my ski patrol class. Tomorrow night is the midterm. Scary how fast that's gone. We hit a few snags with the test, but some last second help from Heather Mace looks like it will save the day. Of course, one of the biggest thoughts going through our heads right now is that most years, before this class is over, we're skiing at Tyrol Basin.

Richard Cheese just came up on my MP3 playlist, so on a whim, I went to check out his website, you've got to check it out. He has three cd's out now. The one that I have is pretty damn funny, and the previews of I'd Like a Virgin are pretty funny. Although on a potentially sad note, he says on his website that he is not going to perform live again until after the elections, and won't play anymore if Bush wins. And even if Kerry wins, he won't play in any state that votes for Bush. I thought that was kinda interesting.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

I would love to see artists only playing in states for their political choice. I think all entertainers should try that for a while until the boss losses enough cash. Everything is available for downloading on the web anyway! hehe!

3:12 PM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

There is another Disc Golf tourinment with Lazer 103. The 1st one sold out and so they are having a 2nd one one of these up coming weekends.
Check out Lazer's website for info if you want.
Hope to see you and Julie around soon!

2:37 PM  

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