Wednesday, September 29, 2004

SPACEBALLS 2!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

OMG! That is the coolest thing I heard today! Yea Baby!
Missed ya out in Vegas. Waiken hit 4 Texas Holdem Tourniments. He did pretty good and saw some famous people on the poker circut on TV.

11:39 AM  
Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

I really wish we could have joined you, money has just been way too tight. I'm hoping that I can make a run out there on my 30th, which coincidentally I should get my tax returns back right before then... 8-)

And Waiken sucks. I was practically drooling reading his blog with his poker stories...

11:54 AM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

He has already been to Potowatimi too...
He is getting his grad degree so he has SOME extra time to play.
We might be going out there in January (around the 15th) for his Bday if you want to keep that in mind!

3:39 PM  

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