Friday, October 15, 2004

I've got my new gear ordered for the next season. My new boots are Nordica Beasts, and my skis are Volkl 5 Stars. Julie has picked up some Lange boots. Yes, that's right, I said Lange, aka the most notoriously stiff boots out there, but she happened to find a pair that fit her perfectly, and had some good flex to them. She's also picking up a pair of Fischer RX6 skis. When we were buying most of this at a pro night, another patroller was laughing at us a bit and said "You don't have kids, do you?" Gotta buy your toys while you can... 8-)

From the WTF category...Shanghai men getting breast implants.

Working for a university, you know that some professors have pretty big egos and are sometimes a bit odd. I think this one takes the cake.

Bank robbing 101: don't point a gun at a teller that is behind bulletproof glass.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Nice job on the skiis!

I guess vanity always comes with implants!

I feel bad for the teacher..being around students all that long will make someone crack! He should have just drank more like all the other teachers..heh.

8:29 PM  

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