Monday, October 18, 2004

What a weekend for Wisconsin football! The Badgers are Number One in the Big 10, and are sixth in the BCS. The Packer's D finally showed up...who needs McKenzie? His new team lost to the Vikes, so what does he know? 8-)

I usually don't complain about people that have way too much time in the kitchen, but really. If you're making Thorax Cakes, you really need something to do with your time.

And now back to the madhouse that is work...


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Badgers have been kicking some big time booty!
They are sooooo great to watch this year.
Hopefully the Pack can get moving forward on this momentum.
The only real difference this past weekend was that the coach was calling the plays because the offensive co-ordinator was in the hospital with getting angeoplasty.
This brought Mike Sherman's opinion back up a bit for me.

2:58 PM  
Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

I didn't realize that...I hope Sherman keeps calling the plays then, he did great at it. Loved the pass from Ahman Green...what a great play...

3:18 PM  

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