Monday, November 01, 2004

This weekend was pretty fun. Julie went to spend a few days in Chicago with Andrea and Jenn. This was moderately scary...three women in Chicago fully armed with credit afraid, be very afraid. So, having full freedom to do whatever I want while the wife is gone... I went out with her brother. LOL. But we went to State Street and got in on some early Halloween fun. Got home a bit late, 'cause I'm a rebel like that, and life was good.

Saturday, since I was still a free man, I tried to go out and play disc golf with Andrea's husband Josh. The wind got a bit nasty, so we wandered back home and made some ribs and watched some movies. We had some great tasting bbq sauce that my mom gave me a while back that we used. The one problem we had found out a while ago is that it's too thin (of course, now I see on their website that they have a thicker sauce), and so we added some molasses and flour, and then some more spices to cut the sweetness of the extra molasses, and let it reduce on the burner for about and hour...and oh my my my...we had some AWESOME bbq sauce. About the only problem was that we were too impatient to cook the ribs a full four hours, and so we sauced them after 2.25 hours, and then pulled them out to eat at the 3 hour mark. Still fall off the bone amazing tasting goods. But I can't help wonder what they would have been like with a full four hours...mmmm. Oh yes, and since the women were gone, we got to entertain ourselves any way we wanted, which meant renting The Punisher and Badder Santa. The Punisher was awesome. Badder Santa...was just weird. It was like a train wreck. I wasn't especially enjoying it, but I also couldn't turn it off or look away.

Sunday was a nice sleep in with an extra hour of sleep day, followed by a great Packer game, and then out to Tyrol to work the cleanup part of the ski swap out there. I did some incomplete and unofficial counting of money, and with what I counted, which was missing 2 vendor's worth of sales, it looks like we still had a record year! That's really awesome, since this was the primary source of all of our funding for the year!

All in all, life is good. And now back to work... 8-)


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Chicago was great for Halloween.
I was over at John Barleycorn and the Blarney Stone for most of it. We were at some other places too but by that time, I could not spell my name or tie my shoes. At least I had red cowboy boots on for my 70's outfit. Lots of kisses were taken for the beads I was giving out too..heheh.

I promise I'll get out to Tyrol at least 2x this year!

8:43 AM  
Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

I want to see pics of that 70's outfit. I think that must have been hilarious.

Free lift tickets, cheap drinks (we get 20% off everything at the hill...including the bar!), and you can crash at my place. I'm doing the best I can to get you out to Tyrol at least once or twice!

9:08 AM  

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