Monday, February 20, 2006

Well that was a long weekend. Started out on Friday hitting the slopes at Tyrol Basin with John. It was REALLY cold, but the skiing was good. John rented some skis, and for having been on a board for several years really got right back on the sticks like he had never left them. It was a lot of fun. Julie and Renee stayed home and John's girlfriend Lisa kept them company. All in all a fun evening. John and Lisa crashed for the night with us, and thankfully somehow slept through Renee's screaming all night.

Saturday I was back at Tyrol for the testing of one of our candidates, who passed with flying colors. He put together some of the best runs that I've seen from him all year, it was really a great day. That night I cooked up some chicken parmasean and we had Heather S. over for dinner, followed by a movie at Scott and Chele's. I have now been introduced to The Pirate Movie, and between the intended comedy of the movie, and the unintended comedy of laughing at all the early 80's stuff in it, made for a very entertaining time.

Sunday was...back at the hill! Where else? 8-) We tested the rest of the candidates, and then I had a board meeting, so I ended up spending 10+ hours there Sunday. The rest of the candidates passed, so we now have 7 new patrollers at TBSP! And the skiing was great, the weather was a bit warmer...I heard it even it the low teens! Woohoo! And Renee even slept for 2 solid chunks of time Sunday night, even better! Sunday night I got more sleep than the last 3 days before combined, it was great!


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

It was tons of fun running with ya on the slopes. I am pretty happy as how I was able to almost keep up.
And do the Double Black Diamond with one pole...hehe.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

You kept up pretty well! Especially on Double D with one pole! Brings back memories of Devil's Crotch at Breck!

3:45 PM  

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