Monday, August 07, 2006

We had a pretty relaxing weekend. Got to hit Farmer's Market with Julie's sister Leslie and her husband Jonathan on Saturday which was very fun! They drove up from Chicago area just for that, so I hope they had a great time for all the driving involved! Renee certainly enjoyed seeing Aunt Leslie again. Renee also got some more attention on Sunday when we took her in to get her first set of nice pictures taken. Officially we're calling them her 6 month pictures even though she's closer to 7 months than 6. For as uncooperative as she was, they came out pretty darn well. We got a ton of them, since they had a really nice package deal going, so we'll be giving pictures of her to any friends that may want some.

Sunday night was the highlight of the weekend, when we went to Adam and Amy's house for a game of poker that they put together kinda last second. They had a very good turnout for it though, as 12 people total were playing, so we started with 2 tables of 6. I have to say, I played about the best that I have for months that night. Until we went into the final 6 and I had a monster chip lead, and then proceeded to lose every hand. Every race went to the other person, I had AA cracked by A9, you name it, it went wrong. I was down to two times the big blind left and 4 people in total...and then things turned around again. I suddenly won every race and in two hands where I was dominated (shared the top card, but their kicker was better), I hit my 3 outer both times. Reloaded with chips, I was able to actually play again instead of all in or fold. My reads were on, and a short time later I was heads up, and then 5-10 minutes later it was all over when I called an all in with Q2 mostly on pot odds (he could only just over double the blinds), and on the fact that I knew this guy was extremely aggressive and could push with anything. Well, I was right on both counts. He was hoping to steal with 34 offsuit. Queen high held up, and four hours after we started (and without breaks might I add) it was over and I had taken it all down. That was quite a good feeling after such a rollercoaster of cards! To make it even better, Renee played nice for us and slept in her pack and play in their nursery, and then we took her home and she went right to bed and slept the rest of the night too. Who knows, we might be able to have a life again! woot! 8-)

Last thought...PAINTBALL! I emailed everyone that I could think of last week about this, but if I forgot to put you on the list, or if you haven't replied yet, I need to know who's in by this Friday (8/11), so I can call Apocalypse on Saturday and make the reservation. Just as a reminder, we'll be going up on Saturday 8/26, and we do have enough right now for a private group, 11 have confirmed. But I'd love to make it bigger, so let me know asap if you can go! I want to give Apocalypse as accurate a count as possible so they have enough rentals held aside for us to use. Should be an awesome time! Email me for more info or to confirm coming.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Send some of the pictures over here!

9:20 AM  

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