Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Sunday's engagement party for John and Lisa was a blast! Mike and Erica hosted, and they put out quite a spread. We got to see lots of people that we hadn't run into for ages. The funny/sad part is that we got to see all of their kids too. It's official: we've hit the point in our lives where parties with a lot friends in our age group will have almost as many kids running around as adults. The best part is that even though it makes me feel a bit old, I don't care, it's really fun to see them all.

More great news: Renee slept all night last night! WOOHOO! I know, this isn't too momentous for most people, but since she started waking up every two hours a few weeks ago, we finally started the routine of once she's in her crib, she stays there no matter how much she cries or screams until it's time to get up in the morning. The last four nights had been really hard, since she'd cry a lot, but it's just because she wanted to get out of bed and play. We'd occasionally check her diaper to make sure that it didn't need a change, otherwise it was in the crib. Well, last night, she went down at 8:00...and slept solid until we woke her up at 6:30! And I had to wake her up! She looked like she could have kept sleeping for a while if I had let her, but we're trying to get her on a schedule, so we have to stick with it (including on the weekends, which kinda sucks). But it was so nice to wake her up and be greeted with a big smile this morning. Especially since I was so well rested! 8-) Babies are so much more fun when they're smiling and sleeping well lol.


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