Friday, June 30, 2006

We had a big first for Renee yesterday! Her first tooth finally broke through! It's on the lower right hand side, where she had been chewing on things for ages. We had thought she was teething, but it can be hard to tell for the first one, but now that one is through, who knows how long before more start popping in. We'll need to get her down for my dad to check them out I guess!

But first it's going to be down to Julie's family in Lancaster. Julie and Renee will be going down for most of next week and weekend so that Renee can get used to being down there and having Mary Pat put her down to bed, because we're at just over two weeks until VEGAS!

So it turns out to be disgustingly cheaper to fly to Vegas on a Saturday vs. a Sunday, so Julie and I are actually going to be going down a day earlier than anticipated, and will be there from Saturday until Thursday. Even with paying for an extra hotel night, we're saving hundreds of dollars. Luckily the in-laws were fine with taking Renee for an extra day, so we're now all booked! We'll be flying Midwest Express direct from Milwaukee to Vegas, and will be staying the first night in the Tropicana. We figured it we're going to be saving money, let's keep saving and go for a cheaper hotel, yet still on the strip. Then the next night we will move across the street to the MGM Grand where we will stay for the rest of the time with John and Lisa. I've never stayed at either, but the pool complex at the MGM grand looks awesome! Now we just need to decide what shows we'll go see and how we'll get to places. We might give the new monorail system a try. I've heard the cabbies don't like it, but after spending way too much time waiting on cabs last trip, I'm liking the idea of more options.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Make sure you stop in at the pool while at the Trop for SWIM UP BLACKJACK! It is hot!.
Plus the drinks in the plastic footballs are yummy too.

I am very excited at meeting up with ya and Juile out in America's paradice..aww yea

12:55 PM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Just a few more days!

11:06 AM  

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