Wednesday, November 08, 2006

file this under wtf...

There are lots of times that you can say "it's great to be a guy/girl because...". I think underwear generally goes on the guy's side. Three packs for under $10? How can you argue with that? Besides making it a six pack, because let's face it, guys relate well to six packs. But I have to stop and wonder when I'm looking down at this package (pun intended), and see that not only does it have a ziplock-like resealable opening at the top, but they advertise the fact that it's there on the package. I actually just stopped and stood in the middle of the aisle staring at this. Is born on dating coming next? Is this needed? Are we concerned about the freshness of brand new purchased underwear? Will slightly used/funky underwear be coming next that it would necessitate being able to reseal the package to keep that odor nice and strong if you pull out one pair? Why is it a pair of underwear when there's only one thing there? I don't know, but I am vaguely scared.


Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

:D glad to amuse!

2:30 PM  

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