Friday, October 27, 2006

I think I've figured out the problem with blogging for me so far. I've been trying to treat it like an online diary to just share out some things that have been going on in life. Which is a good idea a think, at least occasionally. But it gets boring as hell to retype up what you've been doing, and let's face it, I'm not the diary type of person. So I'll still throw some of that stuff in now and then, but I think I'll do more here if I change how I use it. I realized this while catching up on Zach's blog, which he does with his friend Per. It's got a little bit of "this is what's going on in life" but it's mostly rants, lists, and random amusements. So we'll try that for a little bit and see if that gets the warm fuzzy back for blogging.


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