Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Two 19 year old Buddhist monks abbandon their vows because they fell in love with some beer girls. A lifetime of meditation or beer and girls...hmm...tough choice...

While playing poker last night, one guy was talking about the money that he had put on the Broncos vs. Bengals game. The whole table agreed it was only a question of if the Broncos covered the spread or not. I bet that guy is not feeling too well today, considering I busted him off the table, and then his Broncos got spanked.

Reasons not to skydive.

The Packers will decide the presidential election!

The next big hotrod car: the Geo Metro

Monday, October 18, 2004

What a weekend for Wisconsin football! The Badgers are Number One in the Big 10, and are sixth in the BCS. The Packer's D finally showed up...who needs McKenzie? His new team lost to the Vikes, so what does he know? 8-)

I usually don't complain about people that have way too much time in the kitchen, but really. If you're making Thorax Cakes, you really need something to do with your time.

And now back to the madhouse that is work...

Friday, October 15, 2004

I've got my new gear ordered for the next season. My new boots are Nordica Beasts, and my skis are Volkl 5 Stars. Julie has picked up some Lange boots. Yes, that's right, I said Lange, aka the most notoriously stiff boots out there, but she happened to find a pair that fit her perfectly, and had some good flex to them. She's also picking up a pair of Fischer RX6 skis. When we were buying most of this at a pro night, another patroller was laughing at us a bit and said "You don't have kids, do you?" Gotta buy your toys while you can... 8-)

From the WTF category...Shanghai men getting breast implants.

Working for a university, you know that some professors have pretty big egos and are sometimes a bit odd. I think this one takes the cake.

Bank robbing 101: don't point a gun at a teller that is behind bulletproof glass.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Well, JibJab has done it again. Caution, this may scar you for life. 8-)

I'm still kind of in denial that the 80's are over. What can I say? But I think it's a sure sign that we're way past when Motley Crue guitarist Mick Mars just got a hip replacement. Dr. Feelgood surrenders.

I guess someone really wanted to one up the Mini Cooper.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Possibly not safe for work, due to some language, and the fact that you may laugh out loud a bit. A flash animation movie on getting tech support.

Monday, October 04, 2004

The Scrotal Safety Commission...Get the Facts! Wow, some people have too much time on their hands. I'm glad they also put things on the web. 8-)