Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Last night was awesome! After work, I went out to play in the Badger Poker series and ended up playing almost 6 straight hours of poker, with just a few 5 minute breaks in it. I held the chip lead for about half of the night. I hit a huge rush early, then slumped for a while, and eventually pulled out some great plays to get the chip lead on the final table. A few hands really didn't go my way, and I did eventually get eliminated...but it was in second place! WOOT! Besides an evening of entertainment, I got a free T shirt, sweatshirt, and a $20 gift certificate to the Dry Bean. And after finishing play at almost midnight, I had to go home and try to get some sleep before my 7:00AM shift today. Yeah, that was real easy falling asleep when I was that keyed up. Oh, well. For some reason, I'm really not complaining. 8-)


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Nice job on the poker.
Id like to see you and Waiken play a few hands. He is cleaning up at Potowatimi. Getting a few hundred a week there while in school. Not a bad 2nd income!

8:45 AM  
Blogger Jason Erdmann said...

I think I've played him once before at the one and only time that I've played poker at Potowotomi. I think I mentioned it in here a few months back. And as I recall, I ended up taking several pots from him 8-) That is assuming it was him at the table. It's a bit hard to tell when you haven't met the guy in person and have only seen pics of him on the internet. But it sounds good, so I'll call it the truth lol

9:10 AM  
Blogger Johnny Mack said...

You know where my alliegencies lie bro! You might have taken some from him.
That is what the game is about...winning!

7:41 AM  

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