Monday, November 15, 2004

My class is officially over. Mostly. Kinda. Sorta. From 8AM until 5PM on Saturday, I was working on setting up, running, and tearing down for the practical final exam for Outdoor Emergency Care. And I am proud to say that we were able to pass every person that tested on Saturday. Of course, we had one guy who had to test early since he was going to be in Vegas that weekeng, and he failed the test, so we might have to retest him, but otherwise, what a great feeling to get them all done. Lots of very relieved and happy candidates went out drinking and partying that night...

...and the Tyrol Basin ones then had to be at the hill and ready to go at 9AM Sunday morning! 8-) The skiing was great, even if we only had one run. I had forgotten how much it sucks breaking in new boots, but once I could feel everything again, I was having a blast. My new skis are awesome! Fast, responsive, and really easy to manage. I'm loving them.

And after skiing, we went to a friends house to watch the Packers play, and play some poker. That was a very fun night. I made a whole $4! Woohoo! And in reading ESPN's page 2 today, one writer was highly amused by the Wisconsin Tuba section dissing Randy Moss.


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

I was with a few music majors from SNC watching the game and the tuba's were awesome.
Moss did laugh it off though. He might have some human chacteristics after all!

3:37 PM  

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