Friday, March 10, 2006

Phew, getting pretty busy these days. We've got our largest order of computers in and we're busy trying to get them imaged and out. And that would work better if Altiris freaking cooperated, but it keeps looking like it's doing everything right...and then you reboot and the whole thing says "F you!" Sigh. Maybe it will go better after a weekend of not thinking about it.

Renee is 8 weeks old today. That just sounds crazy. Almost 2 months now. She's getting stronger and more active, and is now batting at and grasping toys, which is very cool to watch. She's also figured her voice out a bit, so her crying is getting louder. Oh, well, I can live with it I guess. 8-)

We do have Renee's baptism scheduled for the last Sunday in April for anyone that cares to come...or is required to come! So uhh...John and Leslie, I hope that works for you guys!


Blogger Johnny Mack said...

works just fine bro!

Hope the snow today helped out the hill too.

4:57 PM  

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