OK, time to rant for a bit.
This last weekend was the Mad City Open disc golf tournament. I've been looking forward to it for a long time. It's an annual event for me to go out and help spot and watch some of the best disc golfers in the world. It's always a great time. The players are cool and will stop and chat with just about anyone, and you can't help but have a good time with it. Until now. I'm fairly sure that I've seen my last MCO. I don't think it will exist after this year. Turn out was poor, but that was to be expected, because world's was last week, and that's a lot of golf to play, so I'm sure the players all wanted a rest, but we still had 29 men and 4 women competing, plus the advanced men's and women's divisions. At $100 a person to enter ($10 more if you entered late, which many do), it isn't a cheap tournament, but most supertour events aren't. However, when the top woman gets paid out $135, you know something is wrong. The top spot for men's paid out in the $900 range, which is decent, but the pay rapidly dropped off from there. Someone did some quick math, and based on the numbers reported, it looks like the tournament director didn't give 100% payout, which considering with sponsor help most tournaments pay out well over 100% of entry fees is very questinable. It didn't help that this TD had a reputation of being stingy with payouts. To top it off, they have a raffle every year, with lots of prizes of discs, tshirts, and other little things, and then usually one big one of a basket. This year, they did give away a basket, but it was only one of 5 prizes, and the others were cheap. They had tons of raffle tickets sold. Gotta wonder where all that extra money is going. They claim into the courses, but many of us no longer think so. It's a shame. The MCO used to be such a big event, and now even if they try to hold it again next year, I doubt any pros will come. Small field plus low sponsor support plus low payouts equals pissed off players who spread the word and don't come back. And I saw plenty of griping, pissed off players as I left. What a waste.
OK, end of rant. I feel a bit better now. 8-)
And I can't have a post be one big bitch session, so one quick bit of humor thanks to Will Farrell.